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Morning sewing bee _keystonelearning._._._
Art is always much more than paint and a
Hammer, nails, and wire work at _keystonelearning today
Creating 3D paper sculptures with our fr
Creating wire hoop sculptures with our friends at Chestnut St YMCA today
Create in the Art Bus!! Now available fo
Second day of camp we experimented and explored the scents of citrus and the color of beets!_._._._
Painting and Constructing wood sculpture
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 Who we Are...

Side by Side is a 501(c)3 non-profit community art organization. We are dedicated to using the arts to empower individuals of all ages to develop a feeling of belonging, community, connection, confidence, and compassion. 
Our home studio is located on Louisville's Frankfort Ave. with outreach programs located in the Park Hill, Newburg, Chickasaw, Park DuValle, Portland and South Louisville neighborhoods.  

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Upcoming Events...

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Purple Colorful School Enrollment Countdown Instagram Post (1).jpg

Join Our Mailing List

Located on Beautiful and Historic Frankfort Ave.

2528 Frankfort Ave., Louisville KY 40206



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